Monday, 23 November 2009

Genesis 2:17

But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die........

For those who just read the above and thought, 'oh my I've stumbled across the blog of some raving Jesus lover!' You are wrong.

If the word's Robert Pattinson and Twilight mean anything to you, you will understand the above as clear as the sparkling skin of Edward Cullen himself.


Don't be, silence yourself and pull up a pew.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, tis true, the immensely successful vampire flick has got me hook line and sinker.

I was in denial for many moons, having not seen the first Twilight film until a few weeks ago, to see what all the fuss was about.

My actions since have been those of, well, erm, a fourteen year old, really.

I've seen the film countless times, bought the books, downloaded the soundtrack, stalked our Rob Patts on YouTube, and paid for my tickets to see the second flick New Moon - in advance!

You make think I'm crazy, you may think I have simply been "sucked" in by the media hype.

However, it seems millions in the UK and USA were in the same frame of mind as me this weekend. As the film smashed box office records.

The Daily Mail reported today that in the first 24 hours of it being screened in America. It made £44 million. Christ. Good going!

Despite mixed reviews, I went in with an open mind.

And overall, I was impressed.

I'm not even sure if you can compare the two. The storyline has been taken to another world altogether, it has a different director, and the soundtrack moves from indie to more rock and roll.

As for those who say they "don't get" the whole "Twilight thing". They either haven't given it a chance, they're in denial, or they're male, and therefore it would be "uncool" to like it.

However, like Jedward was, I think it is many guy's guilty pleasure, and they envy that lanky, pale Patts more that Pitt!

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